
main awards

fiction, 12’35’’
Edouart Herriot High School, France

Convincing acting and mature directorial solutions adorn the fiction film Bestiary. It shows that human relations in today’s world can also go to the animal level in the struggle for survival in a time of dehumanization of society.

fiction, 27’15’’
School of Design, Graphics and Sustainable Construction Split, Croatia

fiction, 6’56’’
Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University, Ukraine

The Yellow Flag award goes to the film that showed us a touching portrayal of one individual’s conflicting emotions. Due to his environment, the main character questions his identity and decisions. Unfortunately, that is something relatable for too many young people today. Because of its strong message condemning violence, the Yellow Flag award goes to the film I’m not like them.

28th youth film festival

animated, 6’02’’
Center for Lifelong Education and Culture Bjelovar, Croatia

This animated film talks about love, friendship, the environment, and decisions that are not always easy, in a very imaginative way. It talks about the unusual love that happened between a man and a tree in the man’s youth, their friendship that grows stronger every day, and the decision that we sometimes have to sacrifice a thing that is extremely dear and important to us.

documentary, 9’58’’
Video group from the Student dorm of Hospitality and Tourism School Osijek, Croatia

A sparkling and humorous presentation of how to deal with addiction today. Hide your cell phone for a few days. A test we could recommend to anyone. To the old and the young.

documentary, 14’38’’
Blank_film incubator, Zagreb, Croatia

This film extremely successfully intertwines fiction and documentary film and brings to the viewer the entire process of the creation of a film, it is as if we’re seeing the making of the very film we are watching. The protagonists enjoy the game of creating and shooting a film, and at the same time, they very expertly use all the tools at their disposal.

fiction, 27’15’’
School of Design, Graphics and Sustainable Construction Split, Croatia

The author of the film undoubtedly stands out with his skillful storytelling. That in itself is a special achievement. The film is intriguing, the characters are interestingly developed, and the high school students’ performances are surprisingly authentic. The technical aspects of the film are also commendable. The camera is skillfully used to create a tense atmosphere, the editing is precise. This film certainly deserves the viewer’s time, and we look forward to future projects by Dražen and his team.

fiction, 6’42’’
Studio of Creative Ideas Gunja, Croatia

This short film by a group of authors explores, through the portrait of a women’s soccer team, the struggle of one member, Anamarija, for the well-being of the collective. That fight against injustice is empowering and emotional, and in the film it is carried primarily by the main actress. With her courage, sympathy and talent, she leaves an indelible mark. The depiction of such topics through art encourages thought and conversation, and is always worth exploring. The film emphasizes the importance of mutual support and togetherness, and the entire crew deserves praise for this beautiful, warm, funny, and above all, inspiring story.

freestyle, 1’00’’
Academy of Dramatic Art Zagreb, Croatia

Every situation can be filmed in countless ways, and this promo film shows us exactly that through a simple and very suitable story. An extremely effective way of storytelling, both through the screenplay and through the image, seductively invites new potential students to the Cinematography program at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb.

16th four river film festival

animated, 8’13’’
Secondary school IRL, Ireland

The young artist Max Hendrickson managed to translate a challenging story by Edgar Allan Poe into the world of stop-motion animation in an exceptional way. It is an impressive approach to the topic for a high school student – mature and serious. Dark and deep. The scenes are visually interesting, and they contribute to creating the tension and anxiety that characterize Poe’s stories. The music, narration and sounds are carefully selected to highlight the key moments of the story. This wouldn’t be an easy task for any filmmaker, and especially not for a seventeen-year-old author. Considering his youth, this film is a truly impressive achievement.

documentary, 6’21’’
Kyrgyzstan Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan 

The Kyrgyz film about traditional carpet weaving is a real documentary treat. With a careful filming and editing approach, the author creates a story that not only visually delights, but also connects the viewers, at least for a moment, to the carpet making process and the tradition that surrounds it. The film, although short, offers a tangible piece of Kyrgyzstan and becomes a meditative experience that the viewer remembers for a long time. This film is a great example that creativity can come from unexpected sources and motives, and the author deserves all the praise for her effort and success.

documentary, 19’40’’
Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. K. Zhurgenov, Kazakhstan

In times of climate change, when we are followed every day by news about floods and fires around the world, the profession of a firefighter is one of the most valued. The powerful and intimate portrait of the brave firefighter Vilik receives a special mention among all the documentaries.

fiction, 6’56’’
Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University, Ukraine

This film talks about one of the most important topics of our time, the differences that surround us and accepting those differences. An excellent screenplay, excellent directing, fantastic actors and photography, confront the viewer with the key question of the film: “Are you afraid of them or yourself?” Differences are all around us to enrich our lives – accept them and cherish them. Believe in yourself.

freestyle, 9’54’’
Technical High School Bugojno, Bosnia and Herzegovina 

One of the biggest problems of society is domestic violence. In the film Lucid, the director convincingly presents the traumatic feelings and consequences caused by violence against a child who lives in fear every day, using different film methods.

youth jury

Dražen Bošnjak (The Herald)
Split, Croatia 

The award for Best Actor goes to a talented actor for his impressive acting skills and convincing portrayal of the life of a high school student who is not afraid to do whatever it takes for the sake of truth, even if it means putting himself at risk. The actor fully embodied his role, conveyed all emotions, and inspired us with his persistence to the point that we cannot imagine a person better suited for this role.

Julie Nicola (BESTIARY)

We reached the decision for the Best Actress award nearly unanimously. This actress stood out with her passion and persuasiveness, her extraordinary and unrestrained portrayal of emotions moved us and kept our attention throughout the entire film. Her talent genuinely won us over, and we wish her a lot of success in her future career. In the future, we hope to see her on the big screen many times.

Max Hendrickson (The Tell-Tale Heart)

This director because he showed his skills through successfully creating a tense and chaotic atmosphere which entwined entirely with the topic and the very idea of the film. The attention to detail and the unusual scenes left a special mark on us.

Vida Novosel (Same old, same old)
Zagreb, Croatia

We have to agree that it’s difficult to create a quality film in our country in high school days, especially if we take into account school obligations, the limitations of technology and props, and various other obstacles. The director of this film succeeded in creating an excellent film despite all of the above through her work ethic, creativity, and dedication.

Dražen Bošnjak (The Herald)
Split, Croatia

The award for Best Screenplay goes to this film because we loved this not at all monotonous, but instead intriguing and innovative story. No matter how tangled the people and situations in the film got, they did not overshadow the excellent quality of this story. Partners in crime, or better yet partners against crime, skillfully solve the hidden problem and the school secret comes to the light of day.

Ilia Rogovskui (I’m not like them)

The award for Best Cinematography goes to his film because it impressed us with its amazing camera that closely follows the main character’s each and every move, all his emotions and intentions. And not only this, but it also seems as if it’s experiencing everything through him. Through the camera’s small lens, we experienced this character’s great story.

Francesca Antounette Rodríguez Reyes (Seed Cycle)

When it comes to this animated film, we are sure that many long and difficult hours went into creating it. Those hours were not spent in vain, as the film shows good quality and a clear message. We really enjoyed the story it told, and the almost professional level of animation and editing.

Paola Žarković (Zdenko Barbarić – The School’s Guardian Angel)
Čakovec, Croatia

We liked this film because it tells the story of a man who struggled since childhood with a serious illness and yet never showed it. Each day he made people happy, and yet most were not even aware of his illness. This film was made to honour Zdenko, who will remain a fond memory for everyone who knew him. This film was very touching and done superbly from a technical and editing standpoint, and it has a message worth hearing.

main awards


fiction, 15′ 00”
InOut Distribution, Spain

This film is a heartfelt ode to the art of the cinema. It evokes truly strong emotion from the first scene with impressive director’s craft and stand out performances. The authors demonstrate a high level of film maturity  while promoting love for the seventh art. If we were forced to find one „weakness“ in this film, it would be that it has to end.


documentary, 23′ 14”
Greater Brighton Metropolitan College, Ukraine / United Kingdom

documentary, 23′ 14”
Greater Brighton Metropolitan College, Ukraine / United Kingdom

The Yellow Flag award is very special and serves as a valuable teaching moment to everyone who sees the film awarded with it, since it is awarded to a film that is exemplary in fighting against violence. This year we felt it was important to choose a film whose topic is very current and touched us deeply. 

27th youth film festival

animated, 2′ 30”
FKVK Zaprešić, Croatia

For the film that is clever, original and rich with animation techniques and carries universal message that the screen can’t replace human contact.

documentary, 7′ 30”
UNIMEDIA, Zagreb, Croatia

For a film that by its simplicity and with its light touch of humor in a subversive way critizises our society. 

fiction, 5′ 00”
Škola za grafiku, dizajn i medijsku produkciju, Blank_filmski inkubator, Croatia

For a visually powerful portrait of a person fighting his own demons. We would especially like to honor the director who already exhibits a powerful signature.

freestyle, 5′ 11”
Eva Magdić Govedarica, Zagreb, Croatia

The director creates an emotional landscape that urges us to seek fragments of our own memories that risk being lost. 

15th four river film festival

animated, 3′ 37”
Animation School, 6 Bab Sharq, Egypt

For a touching and deceptively simple film story reminding us that we sometimes need help to truly see each other. 

documentary, 7′ 30”
UNIMEDIA, Zagreb, Croatia

For a film in which the warmth and humanity of the protagonist shows us the cruelty of capitalism and how its consequences effect all of us. The director by his unobtrusiveness and impartiality effortlessly treats a difficult and demanding subject.

fiction, 5′ 27”
École Internationale de Création Audiovisuelle et de Réalisation, France

This film radiates optimism. It fascinates with its smooth and precise storytelling about a potentially difficult life situation for our young protagonists. Gentle play and strong talent from the young actors makes the film unforgettable.

freestyle, 7′ 39”
All American High School, United States of America

With its innovative approach to narration, this film makes us choose the story we want to see. At the same time, the director plays with our perception of the events and also with our emotions. 

fiction, 8′ 39”
Viktor Gelbek, Denmark

The only reason this film didn’t get the main prize is the strong competition in this year’s edition of FFRF. Its innovative approach to genre film and the playfulness of the young hero, combined with the twist at the end, left us breathless. We’re looking forward to future films from this director! 
youth jury


The award for best actor goes to an actor who impresses the audience with his skills of being able to portray his character’s emotions without using any words. He showed amazing control and understanding of the importance of body language which demonstrated his competence as an actor.


We decided to give the award for best actress to an actress who enchanted us with her ability to make us feel invested in her character’s story. Her acting performance was able to portray her emotions in a really captivating way.

HYEWON KANG (If You Swallow a Star)
Republic of South Korea

When deciding which short film to give the award to for best actress, we thought it was important to give a special mention to the performance of an actress that was able to play a character with such a troubled story at such a young age.


The film we award for best directing stood out to us due to its not so often discussed subject matter and the way its story was conveyed. This film also gives us an insight into the life of someone who was repeatedly let down by society.

United States of America

Because we had to choose just one winner with so many great films being shown at the festival, we want to give an honorable mention to a film which was able to convey a certain feeling which most have no explanation for. The film also played with putting scenes together in an experimental way.

Republic of South Korea

We decided to give the award for the best screenplay to a film that was one of our favorites from this year’s competition program. The excellently told story drew us into its world and amazed us with its simplicity, but also with the great depth and sensitivity of the topic it studies. 


The award for best cinematography goes to a film that immediately captured us with its simplicity, as well as its perfectly created atmosphere that made us feel like we were a part of the film.

United States of America

For best editing we chose to award an outstanding piece of work that especially caught our attention because of its unique way of playing with the film format and the freestyle storytelling that results from it. It is a film that definitely leaves an impression and it gets you to think.


Since we had some trouble picking one winner for the category of editing from all the great films we got to watch, we wanted to give a special mention to a film we were very impressed with, because of the amount of work that went into it. All done by one person and executed really smoothly.

main awards

fiction, 16′ 35”
Jordi Sanz, Spain

For a serious approach to an intimate topic that is told with precise, authentic and insightful filmic means of expression.

fiction, 7′ 10”
Mihael Kuzmičić, Croatia

documentary, 3′ 18”
Karla Borovečki, Croatia

The Yellow flag is an award given for fighting against violence on film, and the film Initiate Solidarity deserved this award with its story. It is a film made by students and professors of the Medical School in Osijek, and it presents a praiseworthy project of the same name, which in 2019 gathered a hundred thousand students from various countries, a thousand of them from Croatia. The aim of the project is to help victims of violence and reduce inequality at any level.

26th youth film festival

animated, 2′ 46”
Josip Skledar, Jurica Nikolić, Zaprešić, Croatia

For skillfully handling the animation and narrative techniques and a deft adaptation of a literary template.

documentary, 4′ 53”
Marina Jurčić, Cinema Club Karlovac, Croatia

With its functional use of camera, this film goes beyond the framework of a reportage on a distinctive protagonist.

fiction, 7′ 10”
Mihael Kuzmičić, Croatia

For an imaginative and creative approach to an idea that relies on the problem of inspiration.

freestyle, 0′ 14”
Luka Kraljević, Croatia

A striking freestyle film that wittily and directly conveys its message.

14th four river film festival

animated, 7′ 05”
Georgia Madden, Carmel College, UK

For a grotesque depiction of a character, for battling consumerism and for a flawless stop-motion animation.

documentary, 3′ 00”
Marija Mihaljević, Croatia

For an eclectic blend of animation and documentary film that draws you into a personal story that you feel deep in your stomach.

fiction, 20′ 58”
Hanna Rosén, Katrinebergs folkhögskola, Sweden

For a film that is thought-provoking thanks to its distanced directing, top-notch work with actors, and a provocative topic of religion mixed with rejection by peers.

freestyle, 3′ 51”
Archie Dunham, UWE Bristol, UK

An extremely visual film that clearly conveys the message of a backwards moving society with its aesthetics and the use of film tricks.

youth jury

BRENDAN LEE HICKEY (Distinct Properties of the Indonesian
Spotted Tree Frog)

Brendan Hickey was voted Best Actor for “Distinct Properties of the Indonesian Spotted Tree Frog” because of his outstanding performance and excellent and entertaining portrayal of his character. The dialogue and physical acting were outstanding, they depict an interesting character and add a special flair to the film.

MIKY BOLO (Bagged)

Miky Bolo was awarded Best Actress for “Bagged” because of a dynamic and convincing portrayal of her character. She is charismatic and dominates every scene. Her performance took the film to the next level.

United Kingdom

With their very unusual approach, the directors combine fiction and reality into one beautiful, warm story.


The screenwriter of Distance impeccably portrayed the loneliness of two people standing on an empty train station or looking out the train window. The film ends unexpectedly because, instead of turning into joy, the loneliness never ends.

LOVRO SABLJAK (Don’t Look Behind)
Zaprešić, Croatia

The cinematographer of Don’t Look Behind used a lot of creativity, imagination and effort to capture the shots in this fiction film. The cinematography definitely contributed to the overall atmosphere of the film.

Rijeka, Croatia

Stick Hit The Fan undoubtedly deserves the award for Best Editing. The visuals, the story, the music and the acting are brilliantly combined into a big whole, creating an exceptional film worth watching.

main awards

animated, 10′ 00”
Radheya Jegatheva, Australia

This is one of those rare movies that you will want to watch over and over again. The Quiet delights with a seemingly simple, but at the same time strong and layered story that draws us from the enchanting depths of the universe into the deepest secrets of the human psyche.

fiction, 15′ 00”
Karlo Gagulić, Udruga Blank, Croatia

fiction, 12′ 43”
Anne Marie Bjerre Koch, Denmark

25th youth film festival

animated, 5′ 16”
Paula Petković, Korčula, Croatia

Honestly and without hesitation, A Farewell Party speaks about the hopes and fears of high school students in the face of online teaching in a witty and touching way. A film in which there is almost no self-censorship, which gives it extra charm.

documentary, 10′ 38”
Dorian Vicić, Udruga Blank, Croatia

Honestly and without hesitation, A Farewell Party speaks about the hopes and fears of high school students in the face of online teaching in a witty and touching way. A film in which there is almost no self-censorship, which gives it extra charm.

fiction, 12′ 10”
David Padovan, Udruga Blank, Croatia

Dust under the bed offers a refreshing perspective on the forced stay at home. It captivates with the persuasiveness of the actor’s expression and the subtle creation of an atmosphere in which one forgets about problems and enjoys the small things.

free style, 4′ 01′
Stella Roso, Škola likovnih umjetnosti Split, Croatia

The experimental film Listen with Your Eyes stands out by provoking the senses and logical thinking. The paradoxical title leads us into an exciting cinematic interplay of image and sound that leaves no room for indifference.

13th four river film festival

animated, 2′ 21”
MFS Animation, Georgia

Online Lesson delights with vivid animation and a witty depiction of a school lesson in which the problems of the heroes come to the surface at the worst possible moment. Laughter guaranteed!

documentary, 6′ 32”
Miha Verdonik, United Kingdom

Home on the Road is filled with serenity and immediacy that is hard to resist. The splendor of playful visuals attracts attention as much as the joy of the main character who found not only fun in the amusement park, but also the warmth and security of a family home.

fiction, 7′ 35”
Alvaro Jimenez & Mikel D. Etxeberria, Spain

Instant Crush conquers with an irresistible charm of a playful story, the temperament of film performance and the fine elaboration of details that give the accidental meeting at the train station a whole new dimension. A film you will love unreservedly!

free style, 7′ 19”
Sam Leslie, Canada

The sun sets through my rearview mirror stands out with its magical poetic shots and an unusual feeling of travel created by editing, on several levels of space, time and imagination. A pleasure to all the senses!

fiction, 16′ 41′
Lucas Young, Singapore

New Dogs attracts attention with an unusual combination of weirdness and human warmth. The story of the fear of rejection is superbly told, acted and directed, so you watch the film breathlessly, all the while cheering for the protagonist to finally patch up old wounds and acquire the family he longs for.

animated, 4′ 09′
Mihael Mutak, ŠUDIGO Zabok, Croatia

With its enchanting choreography of simple artistic elements and exciting visual gradation, The Galactic Flock presents the solar system in an unexpectedly witty way.

documentary, 14′ 18”
Sam Seliger, All American High School Film Festival, USA

Strange Fruit speaks about the power of artistic expression as an engine of progress in all segments of human society through a reportage on the origin of a legendary song by Billie Holiday.

youth jury


CELESTE ZOLLINO (The Catfish Club)
United Kingdom

O KHE YN (Perfect)
Russian Federation

MIHAELA GOJEVIĆ & HANA VOLNCER (A Reflection of Silence)


NINA PAUKOVIĆ (A Reflection of Silence)