

As an introduction to the competition program screenings, we present to you our partner organizations, festivals and workshops from Croatia and all around the world.

The Croatian Youth Network is an association of 72 organizations by and for the youth in the Republic of Croatia. As a heterogeneous platform, it programmatically connects diverse organizations (advocacy, cultural, environmental, minority, etc.) that have a common interest in developing youth policies, both at the national and regional/ local levels. The CYN is an association that empowers young people to actively and responsibly participate in society, and contributes to the development of quality policies for the youth and the civil society. In its work, it represents its members and strives to act in the interest of all young people through networking, advocacy, gathering information, informal education and research, by advocating for cooperation with public authorities, educational and scientific institutions, members of the civil society and the media.

Hvidovre (Denmark)

* Age group: under 21

* Program/competition: international

* Length of films: any

* Genre: all

* Year of production: not older than 2 years

* Festival’s dates: annual in September

* Homepage:

Summer Film School Gunja is a project started in 2009 by the students of the Academy of Dramatic Art and the Faculty of Political Sciences from Zagreb and the founders of the Studio of Creative Ideas Gunja (SKIG), who wanted to pass on their acquired knowledge to younger SKIG members through fun and educational workshops. Since then, this Summer Film School has developed into a school of recognizable style whose films are successfully screened at film festivals both in Croatia and abroad.

During the Summer Film School, screenings of the most recent Croatian films are held as part of Novo kino Osmijeh (New Osmijeh Cinema), a modern version of the original Osmijeh Cinema opened in 1976 at the initiative of prof. Josip Krunić.

The concept of the Šipan Summer Film School program is aimed at the development of media literacy, more specifically at the development of audiovisual i.e. film literacy and culture in children and the youth. During the School we promote the importance of audiovisual culture and the preservation of audiovisual cultural heritage, we encourage different cultural expressions, strengthen the public’s awareness of the importance of involving young people in creative and constructive use of their free time; all of this through designing and creating AV content with the use of modern AV technologies. All of the above is carried out through film workshops organized on the principle ‘from the idea to the premiere’, whose starting point is for children to “take matters into their own hands”, i.e. appoint among themselves the actors, directors, cinematographers, sound recordists, gaffers, etc., with the assistance of their mentors. These roles often change, so everyone gets the opportunity to try their hand at all the artistic and technical professions related to film.

And while the younger generations work creatively in the workshops, all the residents and visitors of Šipan participate in the creative atmosphere of the festival by enjoying the films and the accompanying programs at the open air cinema located in the idyllic setting of the church of St. Antun right next to the sea in Šipan Harbour. In addition to our idyllic cinema, we also organize screenings at special locations such as beaches and the like. The festival has shown hundreds of films so far. Besides films, the festival audience also enjoyed dozens of concerts, plays, and literary and thematic evenings. Within one year, our program is followed by more than 3,000 viewers. For an island with less than 500 inhabitants, these numbers speak volumes about the success and popularity of the festival, which is also attended by people of Dubrovnik and the surrounding area.

The Karlovac Gymnasium announces the 5th edition of the national and 17th edition of the international Booktrailer Film Festival, a festival intended for high school students as a place to promote reading and expressing yourself through film language. The goal of the project is to create a booktrailer which presents a book of the contestant’s choosing. The film must last a maximum of one minute and thirty seconds, including the opening and closing credits. The participants can submit one individual work and be part of one collective work. In addition to cash prizes in the amount of 450, 300 and 150 euros for the first, second and third place, the first three booktrailers are sent to the international level of the competition and are up for the European award and the audience award. The international competition is held in cooperation with five other countries. The host of the international festival is Italy, and the participants are Spain, Romania, Bulgaria and Poland. In order to participate in the festival, students must register at Detailed information on the rules of participation, how to design the trailers, as well as how the application process works, are available on the festival’s Facebook page.